IMAGINE SEEING THESE 5 CHAMPIONS ULTING YOU... (THE SMASH BROTHERS) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks WE CREATED THE MOST INVINCIBLE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS TEAM (25K COMBINED HP) For Fun Squad WE PLAYED THE "SPIN TO WIN" COMP AND IT'S 100% HILARIOUS! (WE ARE BEYBLADES) For Fun Squad League of Legends but we hold the enemy hostage for 74 minutes (1022 CS - NEW RECORD?) For Fun Squad I beat this Jax so bad he insults me and my wife... (AND HE STREAM SNIPED ME) foggedftw2 Full Ap Kog maw Support and Yorick ADC Griefex We asked AI to give us the most annoying League comp... this was the result For Fun Squad LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT WE'RE FULL BUILD AT LEVEL 1! (THIS IS SO UNBALANCED) For Fun Squad This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag FIVE ADC's vs 100,000 HP CHO'GATH | WHO WINS?! For Fun Squad TRASH TALKING AKALI GETS TAUGHT A LESSON! (SHE WAS MALDING ALL GAME) TC Zwag LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT COOLDOWNS ARE DISABLED ENTIRELY (100% CDR, SUPER URF MODE) For Fun Squad League of Legends but we have to spin the "Wheel of Mis-fortune" every 5 minutes (IMPOSSIBLE) For Fun Squad This bot lane can take 15 plates in under 10 minutes (KILL TURRETS IN 1.5 SECONDS) Zwag Xerath We SUPERCHARGED champions for 4 hours straight... (THE FUNNEL MOVIE) For Fun Squad Jhin but I'm so fast I can out run the whole enemy team... (THEY WERE SO MAD LOL) TC Zwag ARAM, BUT WE ALL BUILD UNENDING DESPAIR AND NOBODY CAN KILL US For Fun Squad We played the LONGEST Range bot lane in existence... (THE JHIN WAS RAGING LOL!) TC Zwag Minecraft But Viewers Control The Game [CHARITY EVENT] Technoblade WE INVENTED A BRAND NEW E-SPORT IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS (ULT BALL?!) For Fun Squad