WE CREATED THE MOST INVINCIBLE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS TEAM (25K COMBINED HP) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks WE PLAYED THE "SPIN TO WIN" COMP AND IT'S 100% HILARIOUS! (WE ARE BEYBLADES) For Fun Squad League of Legends but we hold the enemy hostage for 74 minutes (1022 CS - NEW RECORD?) For Fun Squad League of Legends but we have to spin the "Wheel of Mis-fortune" every 5 minutes (IMPOSSIBLE) For Fun Squad The most BROKEN bot lane in League of Legends... (WE MADE 2 PEOPLE RAGE QUIT) Zwag Xerath HappyMan is Back and he aint happy, League of legends gameplay HappyMan LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT WE'RE FULL BUILD AT LEVEL 1! (THIS IS SO UNBALANCED) For Fun Squad Nocturne but my ult is up every 10 seconds and your screen is always dark Zwag Xerath FIVE ADC's vs 100,000 HP CHO'GATH | WHO WINS?! For Fun Squad The most IMPORTANT lesson in climbing ranked... | EPISODE 31 - BRONZE TO DIAMOND ioki and Heiz This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag Teemo but I have UPGRADED Darts (BURN + POISON) #8 Zwagmo THE MOST UNFAIR SEJUANI BUILD IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS... (INFINITE HEALS AND SHIELDS) TC Zwag LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT WE ONLY PLAY MASSIVE TANKS FOR 4 HOURS (THE TANK MOVIE) For Fun Squad LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT COOLDOWNS ARE DISABLED ENTIRELY (100% CDR, SUPER URF MODE) For Fun Squad We played the LONGEST Range bot lane in existence... (THE JHIN WAS RAGING LOL!) TC Zwag Our absolute BEST Trap Comp game we've ever played... (LITTER THE MAP) ioki and Heiz We played double marksmen but with a twist... ioki and Heiz The absolute BEST Leblanc game you will ever witness... (30 KILL DESTRUCTION) TC Zwag ZWAG'S SEASON 14 JUNGLE RANKED CLIMB! (THE JUNGLE MOVIE) Zwagmo How I got up 14,000 gold on Gragas in under 20 minutes... (MONEY PRINTER XERATH) Zwag Xerath