LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT COOLDOWNS ARE DISABLED ENTIRELY (100% CDR, SUPER URF MODE) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks THE ABSOLUTE BEST ILLAOI GAME YOU WILL EVER WITNESS! (LEGIT 1V5 THEIR TEAM) TC Zwag LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT WE'RE FULL BUILD AT LEVEL 1! (THIS IS SO UNBALANCED) For Fun Squad WE PLAYED THE "SPIN TO WIN" COMP AND IT'S 100% HILARIOUS! (WE ARE BEYBLADES) For Fun Squad FIVE ADC's vs 100,000 HP CHO'GATH | WHO WINS?! For Fun Squad The only way to beat Illaoi is by not losing | Teemo vs Illaoi Top Lane! BiggMojo Malphite but I have so much Armor you deal 0 damage to me Zwagmo IMAGINE SEEING THESE 5 CHAMPIONS ULTING YOU... (THE SMASH BROTHERS) For Fun Squad Our absolute BEST Trap Comp game we've ever played... (LITTER THE MAP) ioki and Heiz League of Legends but we have to spin the "Wheel of Mis-fortune" every 5 minutes (IMPOSSIBLE) For Fun Squad How I Beat Minecraft From One Grass Block Beppo Jhin but I'm so fast I can out run the whole enemy team... (THEY WERE SO MAD LOL) TC Zwag LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT WE ONLY PLAY MASSIVE TANKS FOR 4 HOURS (THE TANK MOVIE) For Fun Squad I CREATED THE FINAL BOSS OF ALL TEEMO SHROOMS... (1240 AP LAND MINES) Zwag Xerath FIRST SUPERVIVE TORNY it was actually a lot of fun PlantToday This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag BRINGING BACK ONE SHOT LETHALITY MOVEMENTSPEED HECARIM Piantwo We asked AI to give us the most annoying League comp... this was the result For Fun Squad Brand Mid is broken but barely anyone plays him. I will abuse this for some free wins. PekinWoof The Story of how Zwag got up 6 levels and 100 CS on this poor Cho'gath... (PERMA FREEZE) #7 Zwagmo ioki has found his new main role... and it's not what you'd expect ioki and Heiz