TimeExAura - Final Dose Share: Download MP3 TimeExAura more songsView all Final Dose TimeExAura 01:59 Wisdom TimeExAura 01:59 Aftershock TimeExAura 01:59 Stardust TimeExAura 01:59 Fever TimeExAura 01:59 Surreal TimeExAura 01:59 Automatic TimeExAura 01:59 Status TimeExAura 01:59 Battlefield 3 TimeExAura 01:59 Rebellion TimeExAura 01:59 Similar ArtistsSophie Sloane Pictures of Grace Nut Chatchai Gingerbread Dhanusha Samanmalee Ryan Hagan Sunah Jung 龍神丸 (CV: 玄田哲章) Joe Blasia Sound of Faz Productions