Makoto - Tokyo Sky Share: Download MP3 Makoto more songsView all Pink Blue × Things to Think About When Cherry Blossoms Bloom Makoto 01:26 After Blooming Makoto 01:26 The Night I Longed For Makoto 01:26 Things to Think About when Cherry Blossoms Bloom Makoto 01:26 Voice Makoto 01:26 Pride Makoto 01:26 Tokyo Sky Makoto 01:26 Mosquito Tone Makoto 01:26 Existence Makoto 01:26 Every Day Makoto 01:26 Similar ArtistsFate or Trouble Roel Sueca Kenna Señorita Abril The Glutes The Enemy UK Feet of Clay LDot Frm Da Sec X-Propagation