This Taric build gives you UNLIMITED healing and mana... (YOU CAN LITERALLY 1V5 THEM) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Everyone thought I was trolling with Janna mid... but then I carried my team TC Zwag Gangplank but I'm a full AP Bomber who one shots you with ult... (210% AP RATIO ULTS) Zwag Xerath This Smolder game was the most damage I've done in 15 years... (750 STACKS, 220K DAMAGE) TC Zwag TRASH TALKING AKALI GETS TAUGHT A LESSON! (SHE WAS MALDING ALL GAME) TC Zwag This broken Ezreal build gives you INSANE DAMAGE... (MAGE EZREAL) Zwagmo SEASON 15 KARTHUS IS GOING TO BE SO BROKEN! (NEW AXIOM ARC RUNE = 50 SECOND ULTS) TC Zwag This is what happens when Udyr goes full LETHALITY... (NOT BALANCED) Zwagmo This broken Caitlyn build gives you UNLIMITED ULT SNIPES! (DOUBLE RESET) Zwagmo WTF? RIOT NEEDS TO NERF BEL'VETH IMMEDIATELY! (MY E CAN ONE SHOT TANKS) More SRO DARIUS WITH 100% ARMOR PEN IS NOT BALANCED... (TRUE DAMAGE BLEEDS) TC Zwag The most TOXIC bot lane in League of Legends... (NEVER ENDING SNARE CHAIN) TC Zwag SION BUT I TANK OVER 250,000 DAMAGE WITH THIS BUSTED BUILD! Zwagmo I beat this smurf Vayne so bad she has a mental breakdown (ONE SHOT HER ON REPEAT) Zwag Xerath This guy thought I was trolling with Blitzcrank top... so I had to teach him a lesson TC Zwag Riot just TURBO BUFFED Warwick's Rework and it's 100% BROKEN... TC Zwag THE MOST UNFAIR POPPY BUILD IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! (LEGIT UNKILLABLE) - EPISODE 98 SoloRenektonOnly Veigar but my health and ability power scale infinitely... (5000+ HEALTH, 1000+ AP) Zwag Xerath Bard but I have a Meep Machine Gun that nukes your whole team... (THIS IS HILARIOUS) Zwag Xerath The enemy team thought I was trolling with AD Sona... and then I got a pentakill TC Zwag Our absolute BEST Trap Comp game we've ever played... (LITTER THE MAP) ioki and Heiz