This is what happens when Udyr goes full LETHALITY... (NOT BALANCED) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks This Volibear game was the most damage I've tanked in 15 years... (250K DAMAGE TAKEN) Zwagmo I played the Most ANNOYING Teemo build in League of Legends... #9 Zwagmo This broken Ezreal build gives you INSANE DAMAGE... (MAGE EZREAL) Zwagmo This DayZ Server Has The Best PVP Encounters... Fresh Spawns League of Legends Live Stream ⚔️ | Epic Plays and Strategies with Wilfredo Perez Wilfredo Perez NASUS WITH 100% ARMOR PEN AND 1000 STACKS IS NOT FAIR! (LITERALLY ONE SHOT TANKS) TC Zwag Ashe but my Ultimate is UPGRADED! (NUCLEAR ARROWS) Zwagmo Gangplank but I'm a full AP Bomber who one shots you with ult... (210% AP RATIO ULTS) Zwag Xerath No tent, No sleeping bag - Extreme Winter Survival Camping (0F/-18C) Outdoor Boys Everyone thought I was trolling with Janna mid... but then I carried my team TC Zwag UDYR JUNGLE IS THE MOST BROKEN ASSASSIN IN THE GAME RIGHT NOW! Nightblue3 SION BUT I TANK OVER 250,000 DAMAGE WITH THIS BUSTED BUILD! Zwagmo My whole team was basically AFK... so I had to carry them on Teemo #5 Zwagmo League of Legends but I play assassins! (THE LETHALITY MOVIE!) Zwagmo I Reduced Cooldown By 98% and Became A God DangerouslyFunny This broken Caitlyn build gives you UNLIMITED ULT SNIPES! (DOUBLE RESET) Zwagmo This lifesteal Olaf build might be a little unfair... (LEGIT NEVER DIE) Zwag Xerath This Taric build gives you UNLIMITED healing and mana... (YOU CAN LITERALLY 1V5 THEM) TC Zwag So I think AP Nasus might be a little broken right now... (PRESS E = 100% ONE SHOT) TC Zwag The Ultimate “Pokemon” Recap Cartoon Cas van de Pol