What's in my every day carry? Join me on a 2 day trip to see what happens on a typical skywatch! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks 5 Unrealistic Expectations of Beginning Amateur Astronomers! Ed Ting A "Classic" Big Dobsonian - The 20" Obsession Telescope - Go Big or Go Home! Ed Ting Ingenious Construction Workers That Are at Another Level UNSORTED The largest telescope that will ever be built* Tom Scott Are 2” eyepieces really better than 1.25” ones? Bogdan Damian Match a Scope to Your Persona! Which Type Are You?? Ed Ting 100 Natural Wonders of the World [Amazing Places 4K] Amazing Places on Our Planet What They Didn't Teach You at School about Planet Mercury | NASA's MESSENGER Discoveries Astrum Finally! A Battery That’s Better Than Energizer and Duracell! Project Farm Meade LX200 8", 10", and 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain Overview! (+the 7" Mak) What to Look For! Ed Ting State of the Telescope Collection, 2022! Ed Ting What Voyager Detected at the Edge of the Solar System Astrum Should You Buy an 8" or 10" Dob? I Answer This Important, Pressing Question!! Ed Ting How to Spot a JUNK SCOPE! Avoid These Hobby Killers! Red Flags! (Plus, Better Alternatives!) Ed Ting The BEST Telescope for Beginners (What You Need to Know) Ian Lauer Astro “Designed by Clowns!”| How Boeing’s Mistakes Led to the 737 MAX Crashes! Mentour Now! ANDROMEDA GALAXY with only a Camera, Lens, & Tripod Nebula Photos Review of the Orion 10" f/4 Newtonian Astrograph - Equally at Home With Imaging and Observing! Ed Ting Two Men Build HUGE CABIN Underground | Start to Finish by @lifeinthesiberianforest1 Quantum Tech HD This Is How We Get To Mars The Space Race