Should You Buy an 8" or 10" Dob? I Answer This Important, Pressing Question!! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks All the Common Dobsonian Reflector Sizes Compared! Which One is Right for You? Ed Ting If I Could Have Only ONE Scope...Which One Would It Be?? Ed Ting Starting Visual Astronomy Fort Wayne Astronomical Society The Only 2 Eyepieces I Use! - Which Are They?? Ed Ting How to Spot a JUNK SCOPE! Avoid These Hobby Killers! Red Flags! (Plus, Better Alternatives!) Ed Ting Improve the Performance of Your Dobsonian | High Point Scientific High Point Scientific What's Up? Webcast: Heliostar Introduction Sky-Watcher USA Match a Scope to Your Persona! Which Type Are You?? Ed Ting How To Use a Dobsonian Telescope LearnToStargaze State of the Telescope Collection, 2022! Ed Ting PYTAMY EKSPERTA 🔭 | Jak wybrać teleskop i na co zwracać uwagę przed zakupem Celestron StarSense 8 inch Dobsonian - The Ultimate Test LearnToStargaze 5 Unrealistic Expectations of Beginning Amateur Astronomers! Ed Ting The 10" Celestron StarSense Explorer Dobsonian Telescope - Has Telescope/Phone Integration Arrived? Ed Ting Best Beginner Telescopes Unusual Toy Telescopes 7 Common Mistakes Made by Beginning Amateur Astronomers Ed Ting The 10 Amateur Telescopes That Changed Astronomy FOREVER Ed Ting Watch as someone looks through a telescope for the VERY FIRST TIME! Ed Ting Explore Scientific 10” Dobsonian Tutorial for The Explorations Academy Space Time With Robert Celestron StarSense Explorer Dob REVIEW! AstroBackyard