Programming with GUTs by Kevlin Henney Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Refactoring to Immutability - Kevlin Henney NDC Conferences Get Kata - Kevlin Henney Wix Engineering Tech Talks How to Speak MIT OpenCourseWare Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? – Richard Feldman Metosin Agility ≠ Speed - Kevlin Henney BrewingAgile Test Smells and Fragrances - Kevlin Henney DevWeek Events Matt Abrahams: "How to Make Your Communication Memorable" Stanford Graduate School of Business Value Props: Create a Product People Will Actually Buy Harvard Innovation Labs code::dive 2016 conference – Kevlin Henney – Clean Coders Hate (…) When You Use These (…) Tricks code::dive conference Gilding the Rose: Refactoring-Driven Development - Kevlin Henney - ACCU 2023 ACCU Conference Patterns of Effective Teams • Dan North • GOTO 2017 GOTO Conferences Move Slow and Mend Things by Kevlin Henney Devoxx Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business If considered harmful: How to eradicate 95% of all your bugs in one simple step - Jules May DevWeek Events Functional architecture - The pits of success - Mark Seemann NDC Conferences What Do You Mean? - Kevlin Henney [ACCU 2019] ACCU Conference Music for Work — Deep Focus Mix for Programming, Coding Chill Music Lab Giving code a good name - Kevlin Henney DevWeek Events The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture • Martin Fowler • GOTO 2017 GOTO Conferences Paradigms Lost, Paradigms Regained: Programming with Objects and Functions and More - Kevlin Henney NDC Conferences