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#10 Kars the Ultimate Thing / 究極生命体カーズ【JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part2 Character Profile】
Okuhiro Ochiki (落木奥弘)
ジョジョ-Jotaro uses The World but still couldn't save Josuke's Grandpa and was bounced back in his face
Nero Evolution
Giorno and Koichi team up to defeat the Black Sabbath - ジョルノと光一が協力してブラック・サバスを倒す
kirill petrov (pLizZz)
ジョジョ-Kira intends to use Killer Queen to kill Hayato of his new identity to cover the clues
Nero Evolution
Giorno defeats Diavolo, Diavolo lives in the near death - ジョルノがディアボロに勝つ, ディアボロは臨死状態を生きている
kirill petrov (pLizZz)