Lecture 38 : SO(n) and Lorentz group Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Lecture 39 : Generalised orthogonal group and Lie algebra NPTEL IIT Bombay Lecture 37 : Introduction to O(3) and SO(3) group NPTEL IIT Bombay Lorentz and Poincare groups, representations, angular momentum, Lie algebras math&physics with intuition Symmetric Physics | The Lorentz Group CryoScience Lecture 1 : Introduction I NPTEL IIT Bombay Lorentz Transformations | Special Relativity Ch. 3 minutephysics Special Relativity: Four-Vectors and Covariance Physics Lectures by Kirill Belashchenko Chirality VS. Helicity | Spin and Lorentz Group Pretty Much Physics Particle Physics Topic 6: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Alex Flournoy Lecture 21: STR and Lorentz group Arjun Bagchi Lie Groups #3 - The orthogonal group SO(3) WHYB maths Lecture 34 : Introduction to continuous group NPTEL IIT Bombay Lecture 42 : U(n) and SU(n) group NPTEL IIT Bombay Lorentz transformations continued NPTEL-NOC IITM Intro to General Relativity - 07 - The Poincaré Group Part 1: The translations group Barrio RQI Mod-13 Lec-34 The rotation group and all that (Part I) nptelhrd Lecture 7 : Permutation Groups NPTEL IIT Bombay Relativity #29 - The Lorentz and Poincaré Groups (Very briefly!) WHYB maths Particle Physics Topic 8: Spinors II Alex Flournoy