FULL AP AMUMU IS THE MOST BROKEN JUNGLER! (NUCLEAR ULTS) #14 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks PENTA BURN AMUMU MELTS YOU INSTANTLY! (5 BURNS COMBINED) Zwagmo So I played full AP Jax in the jungle... #15 Zwagmo BRAND IS THE MOST BROKEN JUNGLER IN THE GAME! #8 Zwagmo Hecarim Jungle is Broken... (BEL'VETH GOT MAD!) #13 Zwagmo MASTER YI ONLY NEEDS 2 ITEMS TO WIN! #5 Zwagmo Ranked Game #29 / Teemo VS Urgot Top Lane Upload Every Game I SECRETLY REACHED RANK 26 ON EUW! Thebausffs WHEN FULL LETHALITY XIN ZHAO DROPS 38 KILLS (PENTAKILL) Zwagmo This Nasus video will 100% NEVER be topped... (1000 Q STACKS AT 28 MINUTES) TC Zwag This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag The absolute BEST Ezreal game you'll ever witness... (FULL LETHALITY ONE SHOTS) Zwag Xerath Volibear Jungle is FREE WINS in Season 14 and I show you why... #10 Zwagmo The most BROKEN bot lane in League of Legends... (WE MADE 2 PEOPLE RAGE QUIT) Zwag Xerath Nocturne but my ult is up every 10 seconds and your screen is always dark Zwag Xerath This guy thought I was trolling with Blitzcrank top... so I had to teach him a lesson TC Zwag WE GAVE 5 TRAP CHAMPS 100% CDR AND PLACED 10,000 TRAPS AT ONCE (NOT CLICKBAIT) For Fun Squad The Story of how Zwag got up 6 levels and 100 CS on this poor Cho'gath... (PERMA FREEZE) #7 Zwagmo The most TOXIC bot lane in League of Legends... (NEVER ENDING SNARE CHAIN) TC Zwag The absolute BEST Heimerdinger game you'll ever witness... (TURRETS 1v5!) Zwagmo Korea HATED My Double Jungle Strategy UNTIL.. Tilterella