#190 External Watchdog Timer - Prevent latch/hang ups in a µController Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks #186 Measure Current with an Arduino - Digital or Analog? Easy! Ralph S Bacon #195 Reverse Polarity Protection using a MOSFET - for Arduinos and more! Ralph S Bacon Lecture 1: Introduction to Power Electronics MIT OpenCourseWare #192 Wakey, wakey! Let the DS3231 RTC wake up your Arduino - easy! Ralph S Bacon #202 Using Assembler 😵 within an Arduino Sketch - easy to do! 😊 Ralph S Bacon #230 The ⭐ULTIMATE⭐ Switch Bounce Eliminator - simple and effective. 🎈 Ralph S Bacon Linear DC Power Supplies - Designing & Building Custom DC Power Supplies DroneBot Workshop #179 Intelligent Phone 📶 Charger with an Arduino 🔋 Ralph S Bacon #209 Arduino Timer Interrupts - Overflow & Comparator. Easy Peasy. Ralph S Bacon #189 Zero Crossing Detection using an Arduino (TRIAC Dimmer Control) Ralph S Bacon EEVblog #600 - OpAmps Tutorial - What is an Operational Amplifier? EEVblog #BB1 Transistors - from an Arduino Perspective. Bacon Bytes Beginners' Series. Ralph S Bacon #257 Wireless Serial Comms⚡for your Arduino (or other μController) Ralph S Bacon #247 What's gone wrong? How do we know? Ralph S Bacon #BB2 Capacitors - from an Arduino Perspective Ralph S Bacon #255 Cheap PWM speed controller for my pond - but is it any good? 🧑🎄 Ralph S Bacon #203 SPIFFS vs LITTLEFS for ESP32✅ & ESP8266✅ (not Arduino UNO❌) Ralph S Bacon PCI Express (PCIe) Masterclass Session 1 The Introduction VLSI Tech with Anoushka Power For Your Electronics Projects - Voltage Regulators and Converters DroneBot Workshop How Resistor Work - Unravel the Mysteries of How Resistors Work! The Engineering Mindset