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《#水浒传之英雄本色》/ All Men are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard 实力派港星云集 港片巅峰时期最经典的武侠作品!(#梁家辉 / #王祖贤 / #徐锦江)
电影大剧院 1905 Movie Theater
The seven-year-old emperor gave poisoned wine to the general, and the general usurped the throne
The eunuch led troops to surround Bao Zheng, unaware that Bao had already set a trap for him.
90年代武俠鉅作 林青霞 金馬終身成就獎 |笑傲江湖II:東方不敗 (Swordsman II)|關之琳|李嘉欣|袁潔瑩|金庸|香港電影|HK Movie|8號電影院|粵語中字|美亞|1992
8號電影院 - HK Movie