RIOT JUST BROKE VLADIMIR WITH THESE NEW HEALING BUFFS (PRESS W = FULL HEALTH) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks This Jax build is basically cheating and I show you why... (PRESS E EVERY 0.01 SECONDS) TC Zwag MORDEKAISER, BUT I'M AN UNKILLABLE DARK SOULS BOSS (7500 HEALTH, 500+ AP) TC Zwag I DROPPED 33 KILLS WITH ATOMIC BOMB AMUMU! (PRESS R = 10,000 AOE DAMAGE) TC Zwag I SECRETLY REACHED RANK 26 ON EUW! Thebausffs The Moon Impowers Me (Diana Top Lane) | League Of Legends Jsquared13 VLADIMIR BUT I HAVE UNLIMITED HEALING! (6000 HP 800 AP) Zwagmo The absolute BEST Ezreal game you'll ever witness... (FULL LETHALITY ONE SHOTS) Zwag Xerath The absolute BEST Heimerdinger game you'll ever witness... (TURRETS 1v5!) Zwagmo The most BROKEN bot lane in League of Legends... (WE MADE 2 PEOPLE RAGE QUIT) Zwag Xerath Zilean top destroys the enemy's Mental and I show you why (YASUO WAS MALDING) TC Zwag When collector Morgana gets a PENTAKILL with one ability (MY BURNS EXECUTE YOU) Zwag Xerath The absolute BEST Gwen game you will ever witness... (31 KILLS, 1000 AP PENTAKILL) Zwag Xerath DARIUS WITH 100% ARMOR PEN IS NOT BALANCED... (TRUE DAMAGE BLEEDS) TC Zwag This was the BEST AP Miss Fortune game I've ever played... (PENTAKILL WITH BURNS) TC Zwag This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag The enemy team thought I was trolling with AD Sona... and then I got a pentakill TC Zwag The Build that shouldn't be allowed... (Elite500 W Max Vladimir) Pobelter I tried Every Champ starting with "X, Y, Z" in the Jungle so you won't have to | a-z jungle finale Nightblue3 When Miss Fortune hits 1100 AP and gets a PENTAKILL with one ability (THIS IS BROKEN) Zwag Xerath The absolute BEST Kayle game you'll ever witness... (1V9 CARRY) #4 Zwagmo