Luke Unalived Someone?! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Satan Drowns EVERYONE?! | Obey Me Skit Prank MintSam Stop Copying Me! | Skit Prank Gone Wrong? | Obey Me Texting Story MintSam F!MC Tells about her highschool memories! | Obey me! Script story Cinnamonroll Obey me lyric prank// Creepy old guy// Time to rescue Luke!// Simeon and Barbatos freak out Lillian Powerpuff girls gets arrested by @LelePons [Obey me] (Script & lyrics pranks text) Aya One Word At A Time! | Obey Me Texting Story MintSam Mc got stuck in an elevator?? ft. mammon and Solomon✨ (Kardashian spoof){Obey me texting story} Aliaszz Sad Mammon - Lyric (Not) Prank - Listen Before I Go Cat Nip Quizzes With Leviathan! | Are YOU a GOOD person? MintSam Are you a sociopath?/obey me/groupchat/2k special/ Cloud ! Quizzes With Leviathan! | Purge Addition! MintSam Concerned mother skit prank *not* [] ft. y/n [] Obey me x y/n [] RAD tasks 1 Ash simps Quizzes With Leviathan! | Can You Survive A Kidnapping? MintSam OBEY ME TEXTING STORY|| SECURITY GUARD FT. MAMMON, SOLOMON, LUKE, & LEVI caesar's wife Obey Me Lyric Prank: MC x Diavolo “Get On Your Knees” NSFW Serenity Moon Obey me lyric prank|| Mama- MCR|| Emo Luke joins the anti-Lucifer squad!|| ft. Luke Satan Belphie MC Lillian Spanish Soap Opera Skit ft Obey Me Lilyflower Board game gone wrong?! (Game of IRL skit prank) {Obey me texting story} Aliaszz Soda Drama! | K̶a̶r̶d̶a̶s̶h̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ Obey Me Spoof! MintSam Mammon replaces his brothers!?||Sad Mammon AU???||(2/2)|| Wooo🥳🥳