Discus Throw Analysis Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks A record SEVENTH title! 👑 Women's discus final replay | Roma 2024 European Athletics Discus Throw Technique (how to spin) John Bowman BASIC Discus Throw Technique (the power throw) John Bowman 2 spin drills for discus throw John Bowman Discus Throw Standing Technique John Bowman Discus Throw for Beginners | Grip Release & Power John Bowman How to switch your feet [REVERSE] in discus John Bowman Biggest Mistake EVERY Discus Thrower Makes! Throws University Discus Throw Technique | Wind Up & Sweep John Bowman The Secret To ELITE Discus Throwing Throws University Discus training Martin Iversen Discus Technique Drill | The South African John Bowman How To Stand Throw For Discus | Discus 101 Throws University HOW TO FLY THE DISCUS | RELEASE & GRIP | 20 EXTRA FEET Arete Throws Nation TV Release Drills For Discus Jacob Nowak How The HARDEST World Record In Track and Field Was Actually Broken | Discus Analysis Throws University Discus Throw Technique & Drills | Entry Mechanics Outperform Basic Discus Throw Technique (the footwork) John Bowman Every Single Thrower NEEDS To Watch This... (The Reality Of Chasing Your Dreams) Throws University FIX THIS NOW! 3 Bad habits that are killing your discus throw John Bowman