Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace - Professor Raymond Flood Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Gauss and Germain - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College Babbage's Puzzle - Computerphile Computerphile Ada Lovelace at the British Library. Letters to Charles Babbage British Library The First Computer Program Tibees A demo of Charles Babbage's Difference Engine Robert Scoble Hardy, Littlewood, Ramanujan and Cartwright - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College Turing and von Neumann - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College Computer Science's Wonder Woman: Ada Lovelace - Computerphile Computerphile Ada Lovelace: The Original Woman in Tech | Zoe Philpott | TEDxBucharest TEDx Talks Babbage's Difference Engine No. 2, Part 2: The Calculation Section MechanicalComputing Charles Babbage and His Difference Engine #2 Computer History Museum Möbius and his Band - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College Babbage's Analytical Engine - Computerphile Computerphile Ada Lovelace's Tomb - Sixty Symbols Sixty Symbols Hamilton, Boole and their Algebras - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College Thinking Big—Ada Lovelace: Mathematician and Visionary Computer History Museum The Brilliant Mind of Ada Lovelace: Victorian Countess & Computer Programmer SciShow Newton's Laws - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College The greatest machine that never was - John Graham-Cumming TED-Ed Euler's Exponentials - Professor Raymond Flood Gresham College