AC MOTORS Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Brushed DC Motors and How to Drive Them ElectroBOOM Making "MILLIONS" of AMPS of Current ElectroBOOM Building a Van De Graaff HIGH VOLTAGE Generator ElectroBOOM Why Use AC Instead of DC at Home?? ElectroBOOM Making HIGH VOLTAGE SUPPLY, there was an attempt… ElectroBOOM How Japanese Masters Turn Sand Into Swords Veritasium Making a Tesla Coil Magic Wand, to Celebrate 5 MILLION SUBS! ElectroBOOM Lego Piston Power: Making ELECTROMAGNETIC Piston Engines Jamie's Brick Jams DIY METAL DETECTOR, Gone Wrong and Right!! ElectroBOOM Our DIY Sub Explores A Flooded Hole To MAX DEPTH (PT3) CPSdrone 7 MILLION VOLT TASER (stun... thingy)!!! ElectroBOOM 200 Players Simulate Minecraft's Deadliest Tournament GRAND FINALE SpeedSilver SSundee Got Hacked in Among Us SSundee Capacitor-BOOMer Alarm Clock ElectroBOOM Making a Water Railgun ElectroBOOM The SCAM of Wireless ESD Straps - Feat. ElectroBOOM Linus Tech Tips I Put My Homemade Two-Stroke Engine on a Bike Camden Bowen Self Assembling Wires? Levitating Motor? LATITY-005?! ElectroBOOM The Amazing Eddy Current ElectroBOOM Almost MELTING Metal with Induction Heater ElectroBOOM