My Dipper and Pacifica favorite scenes! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks dipper being brutally honest for 5 minutes Spoonicks Dipper and Pacifica: Why Are They So Compelling? Michael: The Cinebro Nothing is better than Gumball out of Context DesmondCONTEXT First Date ~ Part 1 to 15 | Gravity Falls Comic Dub [Dipcifica] MalleableTimeline Gravity falls moments that make me spit out my drink Blueberry rabbit Stanley Pines Being a Badass (Compilation) - Gravity Falls Maggs Gumball Out Of Context Is Hilarious J!! Dipper Pines once said... sav Gumball out of Context is Frightening DesmondCONTEXT Snow White: The Most Absurd Disaster Ever Made Moon Mabel and Pacifica scenes | Gravity Falls | CMDRAW08 cmdraw08 • charlie ♡ Gravity Falls But Everytime when Wendy Cares About Dipper Spectacular Matthew First Date ~ Part 1 to 14 | Gravity Falls Comic Dub [Dipcifica] MalleableTimeline Gravity Falls | Stan and Wendy sav Why This UNDERRATED Gravity Falls Character Deserved Better! MrMatter The ENTIRE story of Gravity Falls In 50 Minutes JarToon I asked 1,000 people to rate the BEST Gravity Falls Ships - Here are the results. The Jade Mountain Archive The One SCENE That Made Everyone LOVE This Gravity Falls Character! MrMatter How 49 Seconds Completely Changed a Character Toon ADULT JOKES in Gravity Falls Question MARK