Was the Bible Changed Over Time? Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Why Moses' Version of the Flood is the Most Reliable Ancient Account Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace How the Bible was changed... Blogging Theology 5 Reasons to Trust the Bible Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace How Did we Get the Bible We Have Today Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace Episode 261: Dr. Wayne Baker, All You Have to Do Is Ask (replay) Motivated to Lead Is the Bible we have what the original authors even wrote? Wes Huff 1 Proof that the Bible is Correct Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace Answering Big Old Testament Questions Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace Who Changed the Bible, and Why? Bart D. Ehrman The Complete Story of Paul: The Apostle to the Gentiles Bible Unbound Rewards in Heaven Aren’t All the Same. John Bevere Can We Verify the New Testament? Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace 5 Responses to Common Christian Objections Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace Test of a Prophet: The Bible vs. Joseph Smith Expedition Bible My Arguments for Catholicism Keith Nester What if Christianity NEVER Existed Cold-Case Christianity - J. Warner & Jimmy Wallace Why Was Jesus Celibate? | The Gospels Jordan B Peterson Clips Constantine changing Christianity at Nicaea - Doreen Virtue and Wes talk Wes Huff Roman Catholicism: Contending for the Faith Mike Winger Is there any evidence for the historicity of the Bible? Wes Huff