"Function Passing Style: Typed, Distributed Functional Programming" by Heather Miller Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks "The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing" by Stephen Asbury Strange Loop Conference "Consistency without consensus in production systems" by Peter Bourgon Strange Loop Conference "Visualizing Persistent Data Structures" by Dann Toliver Strange Loop Conference "Retaking Rules for Developers" by Ryan Brush Strange Loop Conference "Jepsen II: Linearizable Boogaloo" by Kyle Kingsbury Strange Loop Conference What happened to distributed programming languages? by Heather Miller PapersWeLove 50 years of Prolog: Becoming More Declarative - David S. Warren Declarative Amsterdam "Spreadsheets for developers" by Felienne Hermans Strange Loop Conference Work Music for Concentration — Future Garage Mix for Productive Work Chill Lab Agile Project Management Full Course | Agile Course | Agile Training | Intellipaat Intellipaat "Liberating the Smalltalk lurking in C and Unix" by Stephen Kell Strange Loop Conference "etcd: distributed locking and service discovery" by Brandon Philips Strange Loop Conference "Controlling Time and Space: understanding the many formulations of FRP" by Evan Czaplicki Strange Loop Conference "Testing Distributed Systems w/ Deterministic Simulation" by Will Wilson Strange Loop Conference "Cap'n Proto and Rust: Type Systems for Sharing" by David Renshaw Strange Loop Conference Evolution of software architecture with the co-creator of UML (Grady Booch) The Pragmatic Engineer "The Mess We're In" by Joe Armstrong Strange Loop Conference Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business 11. Introduction to Machine Learning MIT OpenCourseWare