Elision of /t/ - Connected speech Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Elision of /d/ - Connected speech English with Tom Elision of schwa /ə/ - Connected speech English with Tom Silent T and D at the End of Words Pronunciation with Emma Assimilation of /t/ - Connected speech English with Tom How to Learn a British Accent FAST *Modern RP* Jase Travels Yod /j/ dropping - Connected speech English with Tom What is gemination? | Consonant lengthening & Twinning in Connected Speech Billie English Elision of sounds / syllables 2 - Connected speech English with Tom Elision - Connected speech English with Tom Elision of /h/ - Connected speech English with Tom Elision of /k/ - Connected speech English with Tom What is Assimilation? | Connected Speech | English Pronunciation Billie English Intrusive Sounds /w/ /j/ /r/ connected speech English with Tom If you can understand these 15 audio clips, your English is AMAZING! English with Lucy Elision Pronunciation - How to Understand Fast English Speakers Oxford Online English Elision of /v/ - Connected speech English with Tom Elision of 'ed' endings - Connected speech English with Tom If you know these VERBS your English is excellent! AccurateEnglish If you know these words, your English is excellent! AccurateEnglish Elision: Sounding natural, contractions & reductions - connected speech English with Tom