Tying an Executioner Spey Style Variant by Davie McPhail Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Caddis Pupa( Grannom) tyed by Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying the MacKenzie Cascade (Salmon Fly) with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Fly Tying the Mahoney Spey Fly for Steelhead mcbikesmithers Tying a Hairwing Brora Salmon Fly by Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tie the Redneck Thread Diawl Bach with Alun Rees Alun Rees Fly Fishing Tying a Beaded Partridge & Orange with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail tying the willie gunn tube fly (15mm aluminium bottle tube) silverbarsalmonflies Tying a Peacock Butcher Wet Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying a CONTROVERSIAL Salmon fly! What do you think? Seán Woods Fishing Tying the Iain Bain Special Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying a Tummel Monkey (variant) Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail The Sunburst Cascade Salmon Fly: A Fly Tying Tutorial Seán Woods Fishing Tying a Bann Special with Martyn White (salmon fly) Martyn White Tying the Munro Killer with Feelers with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying the Logie (Low Water Salmon Fly) with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying AFS Favorite Traditional Steelhead Pattern | Ashland Fly Shop Ashland FlyShop Tying the Haugur Icelandic Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail One of My Best Caddis Patterns from 2024.. Davie McPhail How I Learnt to Whip Finish a Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail Tying the Metallica Salmon Fly with Davie McPhail Davie McPhail