Scott Hoying COMMITTING to Vocals Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Scott Hoying 'Best Vocals' PTX Videos Scott Hoying - Riffs and Runs Pentaholic ROZZI - Lose Us (Feat. Scott Hoying) [Official Music Video] Rozzi scott hoying malfunctioning for 5 minutes straight crookedptx Shoshana Bean and Scott Hoying - All To Me Shoshana Bean The best of the voice Kids- blind auditions Thong Nguyen The Beginner's Guide to Pentatonix Pentaholic top 100 pentatonix songs Pentaholic Scott Hoying - Bass + Low Notes PTX Videos The Untold Truth Of Pentatonix's Scott Hoying The List Scott Hoying Playing Piano PTX Videos BEST COVERS OF 2023 | Luke Silva Luke Silva Scott Hoying Singing Compilation All Things Pentatonix Workin' On It with Scott Hoying Meghan Trainor BARITONE BATTLE: Scott vs Matt (Eb1 - Bb6) T M