FUZZING FOR BEGINNERS (KUGG teaches STÖK American fuzzy lop) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks HOW TO PLAY HTB WITHOUT A VPN OR KALI LINUX (PWN BOX) STÖK VIM tutorial: linux terminal tools for bug bounty pentest and redteams with @tomnomnom STÖK Finally! HOW TO solve the INTIGRITI Easter XSS challenge using only Chrome DEVTOOLS! STÖK Q: HOW do you find hidden stuff on websites? (this episode is all about CONTENT DISCOVERY!) STÖK Q: How to write a BUG BOUNTY report that actually gets paid? STÖK How i became a HackerOne MVH without writing a single line of python (Motivational talk) STÖK Mental Hacking 4 Better Bounties (or How 2 Learn Cool Stuff) STÖK Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business American Fuzzy Lop (Fuzzing explanation and demonstration) Corbin Balzan 106 Fuzzing with AFL Adam DC949 Adrian Crenshaw Beginner's Guide to the Bash Terminal Joe Collins (EzeeLinux) How the Best Hackers Learn Their Craft RSA Conference afl-unicorn: Fuzzing The 'Unfuzzable' - Nathan Voss 0xdade Fuzzing with AFL - Hardik Shah Dark Arts Village OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English) OktaDev Bug Bounties With Bash - VirSecCon2020 Talk TomNomNom Hacker101 - JavaScript for Hackers (Created by @STOKfredrik) HackerOne Finding The .webp Vulnerability in 8s (Fuzzing with AFL++) LiveOverflow Fuzzing with AFL - Erlend Oftedal NDC Conferences Till Recollapse: Fuzzing the Web for Mysterious Vulnerabilities by Andre Baptista (@0xacb) BSides Ahmedabad