總裁去裁縫店補衣服,不料沒帶錢被嫌棄,窮小妹的做法太贊了! Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks 窮小妹到大公司面試,面試官嘲諷她學歷低,不料董事長卻直接錄用了她! 家和萬事興 心機女瞧不起窮小妹的設計,誰料總監一眼看中,直接升她做設計師助理! 家和萬事興 Uzak Şehir 19. Bölüm Uzak Şehir 【最新電影】公婆不相信兒媳懷孕還罵她訛錢,不料一聽她要打掉,馬上慌了趕去醫院! 家和萬事興 CEO gives mansion to employee, then acts pitiful to live with Cinderella! 快乐追剧人 灰姑娘給難纏客戶送衣服,同事們都等著看笑話,不料她一個舉動就獲得客戶高度認可! 家和萬事興 She gave him 2 buns for free, not realizing he was the chairman in work clothes 劇抓馬 If you kiss me, my wound will stop hurting, my dear! 追剧女孩七七 退伍軍人弄髒女人衣服,誰知女人是董事長,下秒好事將近了 巾帼女兵 【最新電影】心機女羞辱灰姑娘沒教養,不料總裁出面當場教訓她!太解氣了! 家和萬事興 Scheming woman fired Cinderella, but a day later, CEO personally rehired her, with promotion! 七七甜剧 窮小子到集團做園丁,誰料跟他一起種菜的大媽竟是董事長,走運了 看劇inDrama 【最新電影】老闆狗眼看人低開除窮小妹,不料公司大客戶指定要她服務,哭著求她回來! 家和萬事興 The bullied poor girl was the billionaire CEO’s secret crush, and he defended her publicly! 七七甜剧 【精彩电影】大姐来商场退货,店员为证清白喝化妆水,没想到被总裁一眼看中! 经典好剧TV Cinderella accidentally hit the billionaire CEO with her bike, but he fell for her—love began! 七七甜剧 【最新電影】富婆改衣服不用高級設計師,偏偏點名要個小裁縫,原來竟是失散多年的親生女兒! 家和萬事興 Poor girl saved the chairman’s wife with her kidney, earning admiration, and the CEO fell for her! 七七甜剧 窮女孩撞壞總裁的豪車,賠不起錢用破手鏈抵債,不料總裁看到手鏈呆住了…… 真愛劇場 The CEO made a child his friend, unaware he was the son of his beloved Cinderella! 七七甜剧