Deep Dive: Quantizing Large Language Models, part 1 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Deep Dive: Quantizing Large Language Models, part 2 Julien Simon ICML 2024 Tutorial: Physics of Language Models Zeyuan Allen-Zhu Deep Dive: Parameter-Efficient Model Adaptation with LoRA and Spectrum Julien Simon Low-rank Adaption of Large Language Models: Explaining the Key Concepts Behind LoRA Chris Alexiuk How to Speak MIT OpenCourseWare Transformers (how LLMs work) explained visually | DL5 3Blue1Brown تاریخچه شیخیه، بابیت و بهائیت Movarekh Podcast احمدهاشمی Exploring the Latency/Throughput & Cost Space for LLM Inference // Timothée Lacroix // CTO Mistral Deep Dive: Optimizing LLM inference Julien Simon Stanford CS229 I Machine Learning I Building Large Language Models (LLMs) Stanford Online Compressing Large Language Models (LLMs) | w/ Python Code Shaw Talebi How to train a model to generate image embeddings from scratch Underfitted Deep dive: model merging (part 1) Julien Simon AWQ for LLM Quantization MIT HAN Lab LLMs Quantization Crash Course for Beginners AI Anytime LoRA explained (and a bit about precision and quantization) DeepFindr A Hackers' Guide to Language Models Jeremy Howard Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)? IBM Technology Understanding: AI Model Quantization, GGML vs GPTQ! 1littlecoder