Steel Design - Connections - Design of connection bolt group - SD424 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Steel Design - Bending/Shear - Design of web stiffeners - SD424 Richard Walls Steel Connections - Design of bolted and welded connections - SD424 FireSUN Steel Design - Base Plates - Fixed base plate design calculations - SD424 Richard Walls Bolts in both in and out of plane bending Mike Bather Steel Design - Tension member design to SANS 10162-1 - SD424 Richard Walls How to calculate the capacity of a bolt subjected to shear force | Single & Double Shear Structural Engineer Calcs Design of bolted and welded steel member in tension - Worked example Richard Walls Steel Design - Base Plates - Fixed base plate worked example - SD424 Richard Walls Bolts in out of plane bending Mike Bather Webinar on ATC Design Guide 2, Basic Wind Engineering for Low Rise Buildings Applied Technology Council Base Plate and Anchor Rod Design Introduction TopDogEngineer Design of structural steel members in tension - Understanding code requirements Richard Walls How to Speak MIT OpenCourseWare Steel Design - Base Plates - Pinned base plate worked example - SD424 Richard Walls Bolted Joints moodlemech Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business Design of steel elements in compression - Introduction - SD424 Richard Walls Steel Connections - Bolt capacity and failure modes - SD424 FireSUN Building Design & Analysis: Load Paths for Lateral Loads and Bracing Design FireSUN