50 ULTRA SATISFYING MOMENTS IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks when you find the perfect escape... Protatomonster This guy thought I was trolling with Blitzcrank top... so I had to teach him a lesson TC Zwag All League of Legends Cinematics (2009-2022) Nightmare777 PERFECT CALCULATED ESCAPES Protatomonster RAMMUS vs YASUO (MID) | VN Challenger | 14.23 domisumReplay: Rammus The absolute BEST Gwen game you will ever witness... (31 KILLS, 1000 AP PENTAKILL) Zwag Xerath BEAUTIFUL PENTAKILL MOMENTS Protatomonster SMARTEST MOMENTS IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS #36 Protatomonster 20 Times Faker Proved he's the BEST in the game OPLOLReplay "that penta was so satisfying" Protatomonster Jhin ADC VOD review (Bronze ranked ???? game) Dusky These level 1 plays instantly won them the game... Protatomonster Traumstart mit Darius 😍 | League of Legends HandOfUncut THESE REWORKED TANK ITEMS JUST BROKE CHO'GATH FOREVER! (RIOT MESSED UP BADLY) TC Zwag RAMMUS & Jhin vs VI & Varus (SUP) | 500+ games | KR Master | 14.23 domisumReplay: Rammus 30 Minutes of SUPER Clean Pentakills Protatomonster Sometimes you just gotta have fun | Emerald Ranked Mid Lane Gameplay | Patch 14.23 | Streamed Game Nayreth Legendary Red Cards in Football #3 Spor Delisi HD The Story of how Zwag got up 6 levels and 100 CS on this poor Cho'gath... (PERMA FREEZE) #7 Zwagmo Nasus but my Q has no cooldown so I break the stack record (1000 STACKS AT 23 MINUTES) Zwag Xerath