EE3310 Lecture 17: Inductance Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks EE3310 Lecture 18: Faraday's Law Christopher Trampel EE3310 Lecture 13: Magnetostatic Ampere's Law Christopher Trampel EE3310 Lecture 23: The Smith Chart Christopher Trampel EE3310 Lecture 20: Electromagnetic Waves Christopher Trampel Where Does E = mc² Really Come From? | The Hidden Origins of Mass-Energy Equivalence Dialect Stop Being Nice to a Narcissist—Do THIS Instead | Jordan Peterson Motivational Speech EMPOWERED MIND Best programming languages in 2025 | ThePrimeagen and Lex Fridman Lex Clips Comedy Club: Самый дорогой монолог | Андрей Бебуришвили @TNT_television ТНТ EE3310 Lecture 16: Magnetic materials Christopher Trampel Divergence and curl: The language of Maxwell's equations, fluid flow, and more 3Blue1Brown How Airplane Wings REALLY Generate Lift Math and Science EE3310 Lecture 12: The Biot-Savart Law Christopher Trampel EE3310 Lecture 19a: Wave Polarization Christopher Trampel Firing the Lorentz Plasma Cannon LightningOnDemand Understanding Metals The Efficient Engineer Charge Conservation Derivation from Maxwell's Equations (Charge Invariance in Electromagnetism) Elucyda How Electricity Works - for visual learners The Engineering Mindset EE3310 Lecture 14: Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potentials Christopher Trampel The secret, untold story of pi and 355/113 MindYourDecisions EE3310 Lecture 22: Transmission Lines Christopher Trampel