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"Vanuatu" Episode 27: Friends, can you share your childhood life in the comment area?
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2 days and 1 night to explore new sea areas and challenge the giant moray eel alone
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"Vanuatu": A 20-pound yellowfin tuna was caught, but it was intercepted by a 160-pound shark!
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OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
"Vanuatu" Episode 19: I competed with the chief's son to catch lobsters, but I didn't expect to win!
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环球探海记》马尔代夫 第24天:今天路亚海钓初体验,竟然收获一只凶猛的大鲨鱼! #马尔代夫 #旅行攻略 #旅行 #海钓 #鲨鱼 #路亚海钓
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OK哥环球探海记 okge ocean exploration
Catching pipa shrimp and a football-sized hermit crab for the first time since rushing to the sea!
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Fiji Day 15:Stunned! A fishing rod goes all over the world, and the island is free to play like this
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