Riot might nerf Swain after watching this video... Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks WE. ARE. YORDLES. dum dum dum dum dum dum dum 🎵🎵🎵 ioki and Heiz WE GAVE 5 TRAP CHAMPS 100% CDR AND PLACED 10,000 TRAPS AT ONCE (NOT CLICKBAIT) For Fun Squad We played a bot lane with absolutely zero synergy... but then this happened - EPISODE 5 ioki and Heiz How I Climbed Korea with Double Jungle (It's easier than you think) Tilterella THIS PLAYER NEEDS TO BE BANNED... *AP SHACO TOP* Midbeast We locked in the NEW broken BEEFY BOYS combo and it has zero counter-play... ioki and Heiz I tried Every Champ starting with "X, Y, Z" in the Jungle so you won't have to | a-z jungle finale Nightblue3 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BUT WE'RE FULL BUILD AT LEVEL 1! (THIS IS SO UNBALANCED) For Fun Squad Our absolute BEST Trap Comp game we've ever played... (LITTER THE MAP) ioki and Heiz THIS COMBO ENDS THE FIGHT IN 0.01 SECONDS... (WE ARE A LITERAL NUKE) ioki and Heiz We played double marksmen but with a twist... ioki and Heiz We locked in a double Sniper bot lane for this one... (THIS RANGE IS UNFAIR) ioki and Heiz FIVE ADC's vs 100,000 HP CHO'GATH | WHO WINS?! For Fun Squad I SECRETLY REACHED RANK 26 ON EUW! Thebausffs We should've played this champion a long time ago... ioki and Heiz WTF? VOLIBEAR ULT HAS A 250% AD RATIO, SO I WENT FULL LETHALITY AND ONE SHOT EVERYONE Zwag Xerath We risked BOTH of our mains for the climb... (RISK LEVEL 100) - EPISODE 6 ioki and Heiz ioki has found his new main role... and it's not what you'd expect ioki and Heiz THE MOST UNFAIR NAUTILUS BUILD IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS... (75,000 DAMAGE BLOCKED) Zwag Xerath EARLY GAME MORDEKAISER NEEDS TO BE STUDIED.. Godzu