I Tested $5000 Life Rafts Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks I Survived the Wild with Only a 3D Printer! Tyler Blanchard I Built a 3-Story Raft to Float the Missouri River David Rule 10 Things You Didn't Know Could Kill You Tyler Blanchard How Deep Into The Earth Will This Go from 1000ft? How Ridiculous I Tested BANNED Kid Toys! Drew Dirksen BULLETPROOF PYRAMID vs World's Strongest Man! Preston I Tried Extreme Home Security Systems Tyler Blanchard I Tested Smart Products That Feel Illegal Tyler Blanchard If You Protect It, You Keep It! Stay Wild Surviving on Homemade Inflatable House Boats! $100 vs $1000 Dangie Bros I Tested Movie Deaths In Real Life Tyler Blanchard I Tested 1-Star Survival Tools Airrack Real Liquid Venom Attacks Me - Ft Tom Hardy JLaservideo Why This Aircraft Carrier Is Only $1500 Tyler Blanchard I Built an Underground Go-Kart prestongoes I Caught Strangers Lying In Public Airrack 100 Layers of CHEAP vs EXPENSIVE! Preston Solo Stranded On A Desert Island For 5 Days Joe Fazer We Forged a Katana from 1M paperclips Mini Katana Stranded 100 Hours on a Homemade Raft Dangie Bros