I had no idea Pantheon Mid could DOMINATE this hard. (Also making Yasuo suffer) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks I had no idea Infinity Edge on Garen would be this hilarious (And strong) PekinWoof2 Bullying Enemy Jungle all game as Leblanc so he can't play the game PekinWoof2 Lethality MF pop off while making chat angry as I talk about my least favorite Pokemon PekinWoof2 Insane AP Chogath with completely normal and not cursed conversations with chat PekinWoof2 WOW We Aren't Dead~! | League Of Legends Kikimoki🤖💀 1 in 13000, the same fan who made me Shen Jungle, won a marble race back to back. Now for Shen Mid PekinWoof2 Rare Velkoz Mid game with the magic incident (rare pekinwoof lore) PekinWoof2 One of the funniest Veigar games I have ever played PekinWoof2 A viewer made me play Rumble Support. I did the most damage on my team. He is actually insane. PekinWoof2 Casually getting 26 Kills on Leblanc with 1100 AP PekinWoof2 PEKIN XERATH AGAINST POBELTER ZED. LEGENDARY MATCHUP. PekinWoof2 I used to be a Zilean Mid main back in the day | Pekin Woof PekinWoof2 Trying super hard to win with the most unwinnable teammate in High Elo | Xerath & Hwei PekinWoof2 Lucian Vs. Ashe | Bronze 3 Full Game Tweakbur A fan forced me to play Shen Jungle in High Elo. (It has a 43% Winrate) PekinWoof2 Amazing Team Synergy! 🤝 | League of Legends Sidiki Pantheon Top doesn't just one-tap squishies, he does it to tanks too PekinWoof This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag I beat this Zed OTP so hard his team started raging at him | Challenger Zoe PekinWoof NNO CUP GAMES VS XPETU TEAM (ACTUAL CRAZY GOOD TEAM) Drututt