The King James Bible (1611) and early bibles (full discussion) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks How We Got the Bible: Ancient Manuscripts to the King James Version Fullmer Gems Manifold Greatness: The Making of the King James Bible The University of Texas at Austin The King James Bible (1611) and early bibles WadhamCollegeOxford King James I - The First Stuart King of England Documentary The People Profiles Three Myths about King James Bible Ryan Reeves 1. Historical Setting of the Book of Revelation Bruce Gore God's Secretaries: Making the King James Bible GBH Forum Network Professor David Crystal: The Influence of the King James Bible on the English Language British Council Who Wrote the Gospels? UsefulCharts The Dangers of KJV-Onlyism | Dr. Mark Ward Sound Words Ministries Why We Use the KJV Bible Maverick University What Is the Best Bible Translation? ReligionForBreakfast Introduction To The Geneva Bible 1560. Grace Portsmouth BIBLE VERSIONS: DEFENDING THE KING JAMES MillenniumBible2001 Bible Translations - Sam Shamoun Our Daily Bread English Bible Translations Family Tree UsefulCharts Why the King James Bible Grace Ambassadors How Did the King James Bible Come About? Today I Found Out Is the King James Version of the Bible the most accurate translation? Southern Seminary KJV: The Making Of The King James Bible (2011) | Adam Nicolson | Albert Coia | John Barclay Burns Vision Video