Gelli Print Card Making Christmas Tree Cards Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Gelli Print Christmas Cards made with Jacaranda Leaves Vikki Reed STOP Wasting Money on Expensive Art Supplies! Gelli Printing Made Affordable! FroyleArt Gorgeous DIY cards using basic shapes Crafty Tati Gelli Plate Prints with Leaves and Spirals Vikki Reed Gelli prints with alcohol ink. cs maakt Easy Gel Print Christmas Cards #holidaycards #gelprinting Kari Gibson Art Gelli printing with layers and a single pull Susan Clifton What Happened when I tried 3 NEW card making techniques! Ardyth Gel Printing with Stencils - Creating Grungy Good Gel Prints- Super Simple Karen Burchill How To Make Collage Paper with your Gelli Plate Vikki Reed Gelli Plate Christmas Card's DIY Vicky Myers Dragonfly Art on your Gelli Plate with Tyvek, Leaves and Stencils Vikki Reed Gelli Printing on Deli Paper - Part 1 of Christmas Cards Shel C Layered Leaf Prints on the Gel Plate Teresa Auden Gelli plate Gelatineplatte Monoprinting Monotypie Weihnachtskarten Christmas cards easy simple Gerda Lipski Using Leaves and Flowers on your Gelli Plate Vikki Reed 10 super techniques to get more out of your gel plate Quirky Queens Journals Abstract Art Layers Using The Gelli Plate #gelliplateprinting #mixedmediaart #gelliprinting Vikki Reed GELLI PLATE PRINTING - TOP TIPS ON LAYER ORDER Butterfly's Mind - Joan Blease's Creative Studio How Does Hot Glue Gun + Gel Plate + Paint = Amazing Collage Papers? Heart & Soulful Design + Sherri Spear