VERY EMOTIONAL PERFORMANCE!! ONE OK ROCK - Take What You Want LIVE (Singer Reacts) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks EPIC SHOW!!! ONE OK ROCK - Paper Planes LIVE (Singer Reacts) Jaron G *REACTION* One Ok Rock - Take What You Want (Ambition Tour Japan Dome 2018) Two and A Half Brothers Stage Presence coach reacts WARNING When I'm Alone The Confident Singer THIS ONE GOT ME! @ONEOKROCK - We Are 18 Fes LIVE (Singer Reacts) Jaron G First Time Listening to ONE OK ROCK – Delusion:All | Music Video Reaction Beedyboy First Time Hearing ONE OK ROCK "Take What You Want" | LIVE | Reaction G.O.T Games BRILLIANT SONGWRITING!! ONE OK ROCK - 20/20 LIVE (Singer Reacts) Jaron G Metal Vocalist Reacts - ONE OK ROCK [ Can't Wait ] Eye of the Storm LIVE JohnReavesLive BEAUTIFUL VOICE!!! ONE OK ROCK - Clock Strikes LIVE (Singer Reacts) Jaron G ONE OK ROCK - 3xxxv5 & Take Me To The Top LIVE (Reaction) Jaron G ONE OK ROCK - Neon LIVE (Singer Reacts) Jaron G First Time Hearing One Ok Rock Clock Strikes Reaction Killermcknight ONE OK ROCK - the beginning [Official Video from "EYE OF THE STORM" JAPAN TOUR] reaction FrankValchiria INSANELY GOOD MELODIES!!! @ONEOKROCK - +Matter [Music Video / LIVE] (Singer Reacts) Jaron G Reaction to DYSTOPIA - One OK Rock’s Songwriting Brilliance Strikes Again!! Throga - Vocal Gym First Time Hearing 'Take What You Want' by 'One Ok Rock' Roscoe ONE OK ROCK - Deeper Deeper LIVE (Singer Reacts) Jaron G ONE OK ROCK ONE WAY TICKET REACTION - What a BEAUTIFUL Song AR Metal Vocalist Reacts - ONE OK ROCK Wherever You Are JINSEI X KIMI TOUR LIVE JohnReavesLive ONE OK ROCK - Take What You Want Ambitions -Japan Dome Tour 2018 | Reaction ThatSingerReactions