Implementing Hardware-Friendly Databases (with DuckDB co-creator, Hannes Mühleisen) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Elm & The Future of Open Source (with Evan Czaplicki) Developer Voices The State of Full-Stack OCaml (with António Monteiro) Developer Voices Hannes Mühleisen - DuckDB, an in-process analytical DBMS Lander Analytics Can Event-Driven Architecture make Software Design Easier? (with Bobby Calderwood) Developer Voices What can game programming teach us about databases? (with Tyler Cloutier) Developer Voices SQLite: How it works, by Richard Hipp Prof. Dr. Jens Dittrich, Big Data Analytics Zig as a Multi-OS Build System (with Loris Cro) Developer Voices Why DuckDB is the Future of Data Practical Applications for DuckDB (with Simon Aubury & Ned Letcher) Developer Voices Is Odin "Programming done right"? (with Bill Hall) Developer Voices Sue Viskovic on how better processes can boost EBIT and client satisfaction My Risk Adviser Architecting a Rust Game Engine (with Alice Cecile) Developer Voices Exploring Verse, Haskell, Language Design and Teaching (with Simon Peyton Jones) Developer Voices S2024 #20 - DuckDB Embedded Database System (CMU Advanced Database Systems) CMU Database Group How Apache Pinot Achieves 200,000 Queries per Second (with Tim Berglund) Developer Voices Semantic Search: A Deep Dive Into Vector Databases (with Zain Hasan) Developer Voices Building the Zed Text Editor (with Nathan Sobo) Developer Voices Writing My Own Database From Scratch Tony Saro @duckdb Internals with Mark Raasveldt @duckdb3282 The Geek Narrator #01 - Relational Model & Algebra (CMU Intro to Database Systems) CMU Database Group