No one expects Teemo bot lane. And that's why it works. Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks No one thinks Janna Mid does damage, then I solo kill them PekinWoof Want to play Zoe like a Challenger? Look no further. PekinWoof The absolute BEST Leblanc game you will ever witness... (30 KILL DESTRUCTION) TC Zwag I'm convinced Jinx is broken. 1 Passive Proc = Instant Teamfight win PekinWoof Is Tank Cho'gath Hidden OP? 50% of their HP in 2 autos. (Literally ONLY 2 autos) PekinWoof The biggest Zoe stomp I've ever done in 14 years of playing PekinWoof 🔴LIVE - TEEMO TO CHALLENGER Zwagmo 600CS at 30 MINUTES? *UNBEATABLE NEW STRATEGY* Midbeast So the new crit Garen build is absolutely NOT balanced... (SPIN TO WIN) TC Zwag Viktor looks weak but turns into a GOD late game PekinWoof Over 3 HOURS of CLIMBING TO CHALLENGER TOP SERIES! (Pekin Top Ranked Climb Movie #2) PekinWoof I made a World Champion look Iron Elo PekinWoof Qiyana is the most broken assassin. Easily solo carry teamfights with just her ult. PekinWoof How To Master Set 13's New Broken Augment (EASY LP) BoxBox Malphite but I one shot Kindred so many times he rage quits the game (HE WAS MALDING) Zwag Xerath This build makes Teemo INVINCIBLE! (UNLIMITED HEAL+SHIELD) Zwagmo RATIRL EXPERIANCES MY GALIO 😈 Drututt THE MOST UNFAIR NAUTILUS BUILD IN LEAGUE OF LEGENDS... (75,000 DAMAGE BLOCKED) Zwag Xerath Vex is the strongest mid in the game right now. 55% Winrate. Easily 15+ Kills every game. PekinWoof WE ARE BACK IN MASTERS! | Eight Different Matchups | High Elo Urgot Ranked Gameplay Split #3 Goliath Games