What if The Jedi Survived Order 66 & Joined The Rebel Alliance Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks What if Bail Organa DISCOVERED & EXPOSED Order 66 to The Jedi Council Jedi & Lords What if Qui-Gon TRAINED Anakin in Revenge of The Sith Jedi & Lords What If the Clone Army Joined the Rebel Alliance Pente Patrol Star Wars What If Jedi Leia & Luke Fought Darth Vader In A New Hope Jedi & Lords What If Luke Time Traveled & EXPOSED Order 66 to The Jedi Council Jedi & Lords The Entire Clone Wars Timeline [Canon] The Lore Master What if Revan Awakened During The Phantom Menace & Found Anakin Darth Theorist What if Anakin Was TRAINED From Birth by a Gray Jedi Jedi & Lords What if Darth Vader Regenerated his Body & Discarded The Suit Jedi & Lords What If Darth Vader JOINED Obi Wan, Luke, and Leia On The Death Star The Star Wars Galaxy What If Anakin Was TRAINED On VAAPAD In "Revenge Of The Sith" Jedi & Lords What If The Jedi Order ABANDONED The Republic Before The Clone Wars The Star Wars Galaxy What if the Jedi Council Insisted Anakin Join Them to Face Palpatine Darth Theorist What If the Jedi Never Blamed Ahsoka for the Temple Bombing Pente Patrol Star Wars What if Darth Vader CLONED Padme Jedi & Lords No, Palpatine, That’s Not ”Unlimited Power”: The Ultimate Goal of the Dark Side Explained Geetsly's What If Anakin Didn’t Turn And Rebuilt The Jedi Order After Order 66 The Star Wars Galaxy What If Mace Windu SURVIVED THE FALL in Revenge of The Sith Jedi & Lords What If Yoda Was on Coruscant When Palpatine Tried to Turn Anakin Darth Theorist No Species Will Ever Forget the Moment Humanity’s Patience Finally Snapped | HFY Sci Fi Universe