Former President George W. Bush delivers final eulogy at father's funeral Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Alan K. Simpson delivers eulogy at George H.W. Bush's funeral CBS News President George H.W. Bush: Remembering 41 CBS Sunday Morning WATCH: James Baker delivers eulogy at George H.W. Bush's funeral PBS NewsHour George W. Bush eulogizes his father through tears, laughter ABC News President Barack Obama speaks at John McCain's funeral 11Alive 10 times George H.W. Bush's humor brought laughter to his loved ones in mourning Washington Post The David Rubenstein Show: Clinton and Bush David Rubenstein Former President Barack Obama honors Sen. John McCain CBS News George W. Bush cries delivering eulogy for his father, George H.W. Bush (Full Eulogy) CNN Obama Eulogizes John Lewis, ’Founding Father Of That Fuller, Fairer, Better America’ | NBC News NBC News President Bill Clinton Honors President George H. W. Bush Points of Light Watch President Barack Obama's full tribute to John McCain at National Cathedral PBS NewsHour New details on last hours of former President George H.W. Bush ABC News George W. Bush speaks at John McCain's Washington DC funeral ABC7 News Bay Area Presidential historian Jon Meacham delivers eulogy at George H.W. Bush funeral CBS News Inside Ronald Reagan’s Funeral Inside Edition George W. Bush Delivers Emotional Eulogy for His Father George H.W. Bush The Wall Street Journal Full Speech: Jim Baker Chokes Up In Eulogy To George H.W. Bush | NBC News NBC News Unveiling the Official President Bush Portrait The Obama White House Former President George W. Bush delivers an emotional eulogy at Sen. John McCain's memorial servi… CBS News