What if Everything You Know is Wrong: Bob McDonald at TEDxVictoria 2013 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Why do we believe things that aren't true? | Philip Fernbach | TEDxMileHigh TEDx Talks Is the house of history built on foundations of sand? | Graham Hancock | TEDxReading TEDx Talks Is Time Travel, Especially Into the Past Possible? | Matt Szydagis | TEDxSchenectady TEDx Talks When money isn’t real: the $10,000 experiment | Adam Carroll | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool TEDx Talks Why do we celebrate incompetent leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TEDxBerlin TEDx Talks Why We are Alone in the Galaxy | Marc Defant | TEDxUSF TEDx Talks TEDxNUS - Debunking myths about evolution - John van Wyhe TEDx Talks UFOs and Aliens – What Science Says | Donald Prothero | TEDxResedaBlvd TEDx Talks Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia TEDx Talks The 4 phases of retirement | Dr. Riley Moynes | TEDxSurrey TEDx Talks Fermi's Paradox and the Psychology of Galactic Empires | Matthew O´Dowd | TEDxTUWien TEDx Talks How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen TEDx Talks The Unusual Earth Orbit Circling Above Our Ancient Past | Roger G. Gilbertson | TEDxColoradoSprings TEDx Talks The Roots of Religion: Genevieve Von Petzinger at TEDxVictoria TEDx Talks Why the Rich are Getting Richer | Robert Kiyosaki | TEDxUCSD TEDx Talks A Theory You've Never Heard Of | Michael Robinson | TEDxUniversityofHartford TEDx Talks 5 steps to designing the life you want | Bill Burnett | TEDxStanford TEDx Talks Why do people get cancer, how it spreads, and how to prevent it? | Sendurai Mani | TEDxProvidence TEDx Talks The Skill of Humor | Andrew Tarvin | TEDxTAMU TEDx Talks The secret to getting better sleep tonight | James Leinhardt | TEDxManchester TEDx Talks