Section 3 4 Nov 21 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Sectioin 3 4 Nov 22 Part 1 Melissa Threlkeld The Basel Problem Prime Newtons 50 Classical Music Masterpieces for Relaxation & the Soul | Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Vivaldi Classical Stars Section 5 1 March 19 Melissa Threlkeld March11 chain rule Crystal Lepp Comedy Club: Самый дорогой монолог | Андрей Бебуришвили @TNT_television ТНТ Researchers thought this was a bug (Borwein integrals) 3Blue1Brown Section 4 7 March 11 Melissa Threlkeld Spring Waltz (Mariage d'Amour) Chopin - Tuscany 4K Classical Relaxation 4K BASIC Calculus – Understand Why Calculus is so POWERFUL! TabletClass Math Solving a 'Harvard' University entrance exam MindYourDecisions Section 4 9 March 17 Melissa Threlkeld A very interesting differential equation. Michael Penn Implicit differentiation, what's going on here? | Chapter 6, Essence of calculus 3Blue1Brown 7 Levels of SAT Math Prepworks Education Section 6 3 March 26 Melissa Threlkeld Logs Everything You Need to Know Mario's Math Tutoring Every SAT Math Desmos Hack in 14 Minutes Rishab Jain Calculus at a Fifth Grade Level Lukey B. The Physics G How (and why) to raise e to the power of a matrix | DE6 3Blue1Brown