Syohei Muto - Picasso's Words Share: Download MP3 Syohei Muto more songsView all Kaze-No-Driver Syohei Muto 01:21 Whiteout Syohei Muto 01:21 Another World Syohei Muto 01:21 Picasso's Words Syohei Muto 01:21 Guinness-No-Awa-To-Tomoni (Cover) Syohei Muto 01:21 Automatic Drive Syohei Muto 01:21 Om Mani Padme Hum Syohei Muto 01:21 The Man Who Lost Name Syohei Muto 01:21 Mukade Syohei Muto 01:21 Heart Sutra Syohei Muto 01:21 Similar Artists武藤昭平 with ウエノコウジ Katteni-Shiyagare Dad Mom God Radio Caroline Kazuhiro Momo Katteni-Shiyagare+The Zoot16 MIDNIGHT BANKROBBERS The Birthday Mannish Boys THE NEATBEATS