Kenneth Little Hawk - The Indian On the Ledge Share: Download MP3 Kenneth Little Hawk more songsView all The Seven Directions (Traditional) Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 Chinook Blessing (Traditional) Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 Sunrise On the Mountaintop Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 The Indian On the Ledge Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 You Can't Grow Food On a Parking Lot Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 The Seventh Generation Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 Amazing Grace Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 Separate Entities Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 The Anthropologist and the Elder Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 Grandma, Grandpa Kenneth Little Hawk 01:31 Similar ArtistsNative World Group 4 Medicines Shamanic Flute Bill Webb Native Spirit The Flute Clan Robert Tree Cody & Will Clipman Native American Indian Meditation Hovia Edwards Native American Channel