FONE! - NOD! (feat. RUNI) Share: Download MP3 FONE! more songsView all 3.4.7 (Feat. Fone) FONE! 01:35 HEAVEN SENT (feat. FONE!) FONE! 01:35 Feelboutya FONE! 01:35 SMOKE SUMN (feat. FONE!) FONE! 01:35 CITY (feat. Zoku! & FONE!) FONE! 01:35 LIL BRO! (feat. Runi) FONE! 01:35 2Wrongs FONE! 01:35 NOD! (feat. RUNI) FONE! 01:35 Eyes//Gtg FONE! 01:35 Flavors FONE! 01:35 Similar ArtistsThe Maine Less Than Famous Quiet Out Loud The Summer Circuit Game Ober Dear Weather Set the Lights Dia D Bufonic Scarce