Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller - Yah Ribon Alam - Tzur Mishelo Achalnu (Arr. for Cantor & Vocal Ensemble by Gil Adema)

Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller more songs
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Kol Nidre, Op. 39
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Kaddish titkabel / Kaddish shalem "Hassidic Kaddish"
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Hayom t'amtzenu / K'hayom hazeh (Cantorial Recitation)
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Birkt kohanim / Sim shalom (Cantorial Recitation) / B'sefer hayyim [Attrib. I. Goldfarb] / V'ne'emar ki vi yirbu [Cantorial Recitation]
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Hoda'ot r'tze / Modim / Avinu malkenu z'khor / Ukh'tov l'hayyim (Cantorial Recitation)
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Hayom harat olam II (Cantorial Improvisation)
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Shofar blasts II
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Shofarot: Uv'yom simhatkhem b'rakha (K'dushat hayom)
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Shofarot: Tik'u vahodesh shofar / Halleluya (Psalm 150) / V'al y'del avodekha [Cantorial Improvisation on Shofarot Motifs]
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller
Shofarot: Ata nigleita (Arr. O. Julius & S. Silbermintz)
Alberto Mizrahi, The Western Wind, Matthew Lazar, Robert Paul Abelson & Benjie Ellen Schiller