LGLP - I Bless Your Name Share: Download MP3 LGLP more songsView all Ku lihat Mujizat Setiap Hari LGLP 01:20 Kau Yang Layak Disembah (with Jason) LGLP 01:20 Malam Kudus medley Immanuel (Vocal by Trully Mohede) LGLP 01:20 Joy To The World LGLP 01:20 Go Tell It On The Mountain LGLP 01:20 O Holy Night LGLP 01:20 Di Malam Sunyi dan Senyap LGLP 01:20 Malam Kudus medley Immanuel LGLP 01:20 Dari Pulau dan Benua LGLP 01:20 Jingle Bells LGLP 01:20 Similar ArtistsWelyar Kauntu Ps. Lukas Kusuma Sound of Praise Pdt. DR. Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo LGLP Kids UX Singer Festival Kuasa Allah Worship Wawan Yap Jeffry Rambing Sari Simorangkir